SkillSplash - Simplyfying Recruitment

A Web-based AI Resume Builder.

SkillSplash is a dynamic web application designed to revolutionize the job market by streamlining the resume-building process for candidates and simplifying recruitment for employers.


With its intuitive interface and robust features, SkillSplash enables users to create professional resumes effortlessly, showcasing their unique skills and experiences. Employers benefit from a curated database of top-tier talent, accessible through advanced search filters. Admins oversee seamless operations, ensuring a smooth user experience across the platform.


The application is built using the MERN stack, with a focus on React for the frontend and Node.js for the backend. The frontend is designed to be responsive and user-friendly, while the backend is optimized for speed and scalability. The application is hosted on Heroku, ensuring high availability and reliability.


It also provides a set of predefined templates for users to choose from, allowing them to customize their resumes to suit their unique needs. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to create and manage their resumes.


SkillSplash isn’t just a tool; it’s a catalyst for career advancement and talent acquisition, redefining the future of job hunting.